Do You Need an IT Company with Extensive Cybersecurity Training in Hong Kong?

If you have a business in Hong Kong, you should have a partner with
extensive training in cyber security. After all, there are a myriad of cyber
threats that pose a danger to your day-to-day business operations.

FunctionEight is one of Hong Kong’s leading IT companies with training
in cyber security. We are well equipped with the necessary tools to
protect your business from the many dangers of cybercrime.

The Benefits of Cybersecurity Training

Cybersecurity refers to the state or process of protecting and recovering computer networks, systems, devices, and programs from cyber attack. Cyber attacks pose an evolving danger to businesses’ sensitive data. In recent years, these attacks have become increasingly complex due to attackers’ use of social engineering and artificial intelligence (AI) to evade traditional data security measures.

Cyberattacks usually involve:

  • theft or unauthorized access of computers, tablets, and other devices
  • remote attack on IT systems and websites
  • attacks on data stored in third-party systems such as cloud devices and more

They usually come in one of these forms:

  • Malware: Malware includes viruses, trojan horses, worms, and so on,
    which hijack systems and compromise their security.
  • Denial-of-service: Called DoS attack, this limits access to your
    networks, applications, or services by exhausting resources so that
    users are unable to access them. DoS hackers often demand a
    ransom from their victims.
  • Scareware: Taking the form of a fake security warning, scareware
    convinces users to install a “program” to fix a security risk or issue,
    which is what the cybercriminals then use to attack the system.
  • Botnets and zombies: Short for ‘robot network’, botnet refers to
    compromised computers (or “zombies”) that are connected to a
    central “controller”, which runs them to steal data and do other

In addition to those, phishing, ransomware attacks (like WannaCry), and
social engineering scams have also recently increased in number,
putting more businesses at risk of cyber threats.

Advantages of a Partner With Great Cyber Security Training in Hong Kong

Here are the top three reasons why businesses need to team up with a
Hong Kong IT company that has thorough cybersecurity training:

Here’s a frightening fact: According to Forbes, a jaw-dropping $2,900,000 is lost to cybercrime each minute.
Meanwhile, Accenture reported that between 2014 and 2019, there was a 67 percent jump in security breaches. From May 2015 to May 2016, 1 in every 2 small business respondents admitted that they had data breaches which compromised their customers’ and employees’ data. In the United Kingdom alone, over 46 percent of businesses suffered a cyberattack in 2017.

Some large brands that have been victims of cybercrime are Target, Home Depot, Disney, eBay, Equifax, Adult Friend Finder, and Yahoo. There are many other companies of other sizes that have been attacked but were not reported in the news. Regrettably, according to a study, one in three small businesses rely on free consumer cybersecurity, and 20 percent of businesses have absolutely no endpoint protection.

A partner in Hong Kong that’s highly trained in cyber security can help your business avoid financial damages due to cybercrimes. This includes (but are not limited to) sales decline or losses due to disruption in business operations, the cost of stolen IP and other business data, expenses incurred in repairing damaged systems, and regulatory costs (associated with GDPR and other data breach laws) like payment of fines and other sanctions.

Did you know that a whopping 60 percent of businesses that faced a security issue (like a data breach) go out of business within just half a year?

Different people — from your clients and prospects, to partners and suppliers, and others — have placed their trust in you. If you don’t secure ample protection from an IT firm with proficient cyber security training, you might lose their valuable trust. Customers might stop buying, investors might give up their shares, suppliers might bring their business elsewhere, and so on.

A Hong Kong IT company with substantial cyber security training can also help ensure that your website keeps running well. If your server gets infected, your website could go down and your customers and guests will be at risk from an unsecured network. They might buy from another business, and you might have to recreate your website, which is costly.

Last but not the least, cyberattacks can stop your business production, distribution, communication, and many other processes in your operations. On the other hand, secured IT systems can boost your employees’ efficiency and productivity by promoting safety in communications and collaborations, along with ensuring easy access to important files, apps, websites, and other resources.

A Hong Kong IT firm with good cyber security training can empower your work-from-home employees to use the Internet safely, keeping their digital actions private and confidential. Keep in mind that infected computers can slow down and even prevent users from doing their tasks. They could even force you to replace all of your computer systems.

Why Choose FunctionEight’s Extensive Cyber Security
Training in Hong Kong

We would be delighted to be your IT partner in Asia. Here are the top three reasons
why you should trust us for your cyber security and other IT needs:

  • Fast and Reliable IT Experts
    Established in 2001, we have over 20 years of experience in serving
    businesses of all shapes and sizes. Over 200 satisfied clients (and
    counting) from various countries can attest to our high quality of service.

    We respond to IT service requests in just an average of 15 minutes, and
    offer 24/7 remote IT support across all timezones.

  • On-the-ground Hong Kong Partner with Cybersecurity Training
    We have engineers who specialise in cyber security and are on-the-
    ground in Hong Kong to closely serve clients. We offer help desk support
    in the region, as well as the option to be on the ground in other cities like
    Seoul, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Shanghai. If needed, we can offer more
    spread depending on your business size.

  • Phenomenal Value for Your Money
    With FunctionEight as your IT partner in Asia, you’ll receive
    comprehensive IT support and services from a trusted Hong Kong IT
    company that has extensive training in cyber security and more!