Looking for an IT Company With Strong Cybersecurity Training in Singapore?
Your Singapore business needs a partner with excellent cybersecurity training.
As one of Singapore’s most trusted IT firms, we have extensive training in cybersecurity. We are equipped with all the tools to ensure that cyberthreats remain just that for your business.
No matter what your IT support and service requirements may be, whatever cyberthreats may come along, you can be certain that FunctionEight’s dependable team of IT engineers can handle them.
The Value of Cybersecurity Training
Considering the modern world’s heavy reliance on technology, the importance of cybersecurity is higher than ever before. Our dependence on computer systems, the undeniable prevalence of smartphones, the sharp increase in cloud services, the existence of Internet of Things (IoT), and the inadequate security of cloud services all expose us to multiple vulnerabilities that were non-existent up to several decades ago.
Cyberattacks usually involve:
- theft or unauthorized access of computers, tablets, and other devices
- remote attack on IT systems and websites
- attacks on data stored in third-party systems such as cloud devices and more
Cyberattacks typically come in one of these forms:
- Denial-of-service: The denial of service (DoS) attack blocks access to applications, networks, or services by using such resources until they are exhausted. As a result, when actual users try to access such resources, they are prevented from doing so. DoS hackers will usually ask for a ransom if you want to regain access to your files.
- Malware: Malware (which includes viruses, worms, trojan horses, etc.) are used to infect systems and shared through email or external storage devices. These programs begin running in the background of users’ systems without them realising it, leading to a hijacked system and jeopardised security.
- Botnets and zombies: Botnet (short for robot network) refers to a group of compromised computers (called “zombies”) that are linked to a central “controller”, which can take charge of those infected computers. Botnets steal data from a system and easily infect computers, leading to information theft and other critical security risks. In recent years, they have shown increasingly better encryption and are, therefore, becoming more challenging to detect.
- Scareware: Usually in the form of fake security warnings, scareware notifies computer users through a popup that their system is at risk or has been attacked. They are then advised to install a “program” (usually an anti-virus software; some of them are free while others require payment) to resolve the issue and protect their data. The truth is that the said “program” is actually the one that will be used to attack their system.
Other common cyberthreats include phishing, social engineering scams, ransomware attacks (like WannaCry), and so on.
We are an IT company in Singapore with experts who have undergone intensive cybersecurity training is well-equipped to prevent and resolve a variety of cybersecurity threats. We can help protect your precious business from hacking, internet fraud, privacy violation, virus transmission, and many more.
Benefits of Having an IT Partner With Cybersecurity Training in Singapore
Here are three critical reasons why your business needs to partner with a dependable Singapore IT company that has extensive training in cybersecurity:
Why Trust FunctionEight’s Superb Cybersecurity Training
in Singapore
in Singapore
Coupled with our more than 20 years of experience in delivering first-rate IT services
and support in Singapore and all over Asia, we are confident that we can help protect
your growing business from different types of cyberattacks. Since FunctionEight was
formed in 2001, we have been the preferred partner of more than 200 companies
around the globe.
We would be thrilled to serve as your IT partner in Asia. We take pride in having/being
Cybersecurity Training in Singapore – FAQs
General Information About Cybersecurity Training
Types of Cybersecurity Training in Singapore
Cybersecurity Threats and Prevention
Compliance and Cybersecurity Regulations in Singapore
Customized Cybersecurity Training for Businesses
Cybersecurity Training Implementation
Why Choose FunctionEight for Cybersecurity Training in Singapore?